IPP> NOT - More about ISSUE 08: Sender MAY include list of subscription ids and sequence numbers

Michael Sweet mike at easysw.com
Tue Jul 31 08:36:02 EDT 2001

"Hastings, Tom N" wrote:
> ...
> 5. Add "notify-search" (boolean) operation attribute, 'true' means that the
> Printer searches Subscription Objects to match the uri when the
> "notify-subscription-ids" is supplied.  If "notify-subscription-ids" isn't
> supplied, then the Printer always does search to match URIs.

MS> I'm not sure what benefit this will add - if you have multiple
    subscriptions, you probably will either have a common recipient
    URI or the subscription IDs themselves, so why would support for
    both be needed?

Michael Sweet, Easy Software Products                  mike at easysw.com
Printing Software for UNIX                       http://www.easysw.com

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