IPP> FW: [Srvloc-discuss] [Multiple registrations for a singl e print device]

James Kempf James.Kempf at Sun.COM
Fri Jul 20 11:47:20 EDT 2001


>While this behavior is not required of SLPv2 DAs, it is considered
>(at least by some) to be the best practice default DA behavior (i.e.,
>find an LDAP server via DNS or DHCP or SLP during bootup and then
>automatically begin shadowing service registrations into LDAP).

I would not call this "best practice". At this point, it is a 
hypothetical practice recommended as a way of fostering SLP/LDAP
interoperability. To my knowledge, there is no commercial DA
currently available that shadows service registrations into LDAP.
Sunlabs did a prototype that validated the RFC 2926 schema conversion
draft, but the code was never productized.


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