IPP> Re: FW: IPPGET inconsistency on comparing URLs [polling any kind of URL]

Michael Sweet mike at easysw.com
Tue Jul 17 17:07:51 EDT 2001

"Manros, Carl-Uno B" wrote:
> ...
> If we haven't specified that the "notify-recipient-uri" in the
> Get-Notifications, be an ippget URI, it seems to me to be an
> omission in the draft text. To my knowledge, it was never the
> intention to allow anything else than an ippget URI for this
> version of notifications, and I am strongly against now trying to
> suddenly add new functionality which wasn't intended.
> ...

FWIW, if we allow Get-Notifications to apply to more than just
ippget, then all of the Get-Notifications stuff needs to be moved
to the main IPP Notifications spec, right?

My vote is to not allow other notification methods to use
Get-Notifications; it is specifically for ippget, and should
probably stay that way (otherwise you enter the realm of
multiple recipients for a single subscription, right? :)

Michael Sweet, Easy Software Products                  mike at easysw.com
Printing Software for UNIX                       http://www.easysw.com

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