IPP> Proposed deletions and additions to Media Types for Medi a Std

Hastings, Tom N hastings at cp10.es.xerox.com
Thu May 17 17:11:11 EDT 2001

But leave in the two-sided for the stationery-coated, stationery-glossy, and
stationery-matte, correct?


-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Sweet [mailto:mike at easysw.com]
Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2001 13:29
To: Hastings, Tom N
Cc: ipp at pwg.org; IMAGING at forum.upnp.org; GRANT,MELINDA
(HP-Vancouver,ex1); Mark VanderWiele (E-mail)
Subject: Re: IPP> Proposed deletions and additions to Media Types for
Media Std

"Hastings, Tom N" wrote:
> Michael,
> So why wouldn't the two-sided matte and glossy stuff be:
> stationery-glossy
> stationery-matte
> ...

Because it is heavy-weight photo paper, not glossy (light-weight)

I just suggest removing the "one sided only" line which is needlessly
limiting the definition...

Michael Sweet, Easy Software Products                  mike at easysw.com
Printing Software for UNIX                       http://www.easysw.com

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