IPP> Bake Off 3 issue 1

Zehler, Peter Peter.Zehler at usa.xerox.com
Thu Oct 26 14:40:34 EDT 2000

BO3-1: IPP Client failed when an unexpected HTTP "100 continue" was
received.  Some printers sent a "100 continue" even before the Client sent a
		Proposed Resolution: An IPP Client must accept and handle an
HTTP "100 continue" whenever it is encountered.

				Peter Zehler
				Xerox Architecture Center
				Email: Peter.Zehler at usa.xerox.com
				Voice:    (716) 265-8755
				FAX:      (716) 265-8792 
				US Mail: Peter Zehler
				        Xerox Corp.
				        800 Phillips Rd.
				        M/S 139-05A
				        Webster NY, 14580-9701

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