IPP> NOT - new INDP Delivery Method down-loaded

Hastings, Tom N hastings at cp10.es.xerox.com
Tue Aug 29 22:31:04 EDT 2000

I've fixed the minor bugs indicated in the attached mail for the INDP
Delivery Method:


ISSUE: there are two bugs in the indp description of Send-Notifications.
The ippget document should be a model. In particular the request-id should
not contain the "notify-sequence-number"; it appears as an attribute.  And
the "attributes-charset" and "attributes-natural-language" should come from
the "notify-charset" and "notify-natural-language" attributes of one
Subscription Object generating the Event Notification and it is
implementation dependent as to which one when the email message contains
Event Notifications generated from more than one Subscription Object


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