IPP> OPS - Ok that the 'any-value' out-of-band value hasan attribute value? [URGENT email discussion needed]

Michael Sweet mike at easysw.com
Wed Mar 15 13:12:15 EST 2000

[Hugo - please don't post HTML messages..]

Hugo Parra wrote:
> ...
> assumes it's a new attribute group.  But if we allow the flexibility
> that I think you're proposing, parsing an IPP packet becomes much
> more complex and dangerous.  When I run into an "unknown tag", am I
> looking at ..
> ...

But the current specs partition the tag space clearly; all tags
between 0x10 and 0xff are *value* tags, which means they will consist


The tag 0x7f is used to introduce a 32-bit value tag.

For tags below 0x10, the specs show:

    0x01         = operation group
    0x02         = job group
    0x03         = end group
    0x04         = printer group
    0x05         = unsupported group
    0x06 to 0x0f = reserved for future extension groups

Based on this information a program can easily check for valid

    1. 0x00 is invalid
    2. 0x01, 0x02, and 0x04 to 0x0f start a group
    3. 0x03 ends the IPP data stream
    4. 0x10 to 0x7e and 0x80 to 0xff start a value
    5. "0x7f aa bb cc dd" starts a value; the actual tag number
       is in the next 4 bytes.

Anything that doesn't follow this format can be thrown away
immediately as a bad request/response.

Michael Sweet, Easy Software Products                  mike at easysw.com
Printing Software for UNIX                       http://www.easysw.com

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