IPP> Filter on 'printer-state-changed' notification

Ira Mcdonald imcdonal at sdsp.mc.xerox.com
Wed Sep 29 11:31:07 EDT 1999

Hi Henrik,

This isn't very clear in the current IPP Notifications spec, but...

The 'job-state-changed' event does NOT send all state/state-reason
changes.  The 'job-created', 'job-completed', and 'job-purged'
events are disjoint with 'job-state-changed'.

Now, I never liked the above ideas at all.  And I think they
prevent more responsive implementations (of clients).

I like your idea for the list of the state and state-reason
triggers.  And a single 'job-state-changed' event that
is more consistent in behavior (with some other wire
protocols, among other things).

- Ira McDonald
  High North Inc

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