IPP> NOT - Further agreements to the IPP Notification Model

Hastings, Tom N hastings at cp10.es.xerox.com
Fri Aug 20 01:16:14 EDT 1999

Today, 8/19/99, the IETF IPP WG made a few more changes to the IPP
Notification Attribute Summary.

I've reposted it at:


Here are the changes:

1.1	Changed made to the 8/17/99 version to make the 8/19/99 version
		1.	Added "notify-content-type" (mimeMediaType) so that
the client can specify whether human consumable versus machine consumable.
		2.	Added "notify-content-type-supported" (1setOf
collection) Printer Description attribute to represent which notification
format types are supported for each supported delivery scheme.
		3.	Made Per-Printer Subscriptions and the Subscription
object REQUIRED if notification is supported.  So both Per-Job and
Per-Printer subscriptions are REQUIRED.  There is no longer any
CONDITIONALLY REQUIRED indication in our spec.
		4.	Added "notify-attributes-charset" to represent
"attributes-charset" in subscription requests and objects to distinguish it
from the request's "attributes-charset" attribute.
		5.	Added "notify-attributes-natural-language" to
represent "attributes-natural-language" in subscription requests and objects
to distinguish it from the request's "attributes-natural-language"

The next step will be to update the full specification.  We will produce the
following separate documents:
	IPP Notification Specification
	IPP Notification Delivery Methods - separate (short) document for
each method
	IPP collection attribute syntax - used by the Notification
	IPP Job Progress Attributes - new Job attributes for monitoring job
progress and used by the 'job-progress' event.
The Set-Job-Attributes operation will continue to be document in the
Additional Operations (Set 2) specification (formerly called Administrative
operations), since the Set-Job-Attributes operation is useful for modifying
more than just notification Job attributes.

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