IPP> Some Instant Messaging resources [and IPP Notification u sage of such]

don at lexmark.com don at lexmark.com
Thu Aug 5 12:12:42 EDT 1999

Actually, today there are cool ways to do this without a new scheme.  For
example, the ICQ product provides a web based interface that allows me to send a
message to anyone registered with an ICQ number.  Attached is a little HTML
snippet that I stole/rewrote that will allow you to enter an ICQ number and send
a message.  The actual work is done to a post on the ICQ server located on the
Internet.  This same functionality could be done in the printer with the message
being an end-of-job notification, etc.

Want to play with it?  My ICQ number is 45709005.

(See attached file: page.html)

* Don Wright                 don at lexmark.com *
* Director, Strategic & Technical Alliances  *
* Lexmark International                      *
* 740 New Circle Rd                          *
* Lexington, Ky 40550                        *
* 606-232-4808 (phone) 606-232-6740 (fax)    *

hastings%cp10.es.xerox.com at interlock.lexmark.com on 08/04/99 03:09:47 AM

To:   Don Wright at LEXMARK, harryl%us.ibm.com at interlock.lexmark.com
cc:   ipp%pwg.org at interlock.lexmark.com
Subject:  RE: IPP> Some Instant Messaging resources [and IPP Notification u sage
      of such]


I agree with you that our IPP Notification work needs to "consider these
[outside-IETF] efforts in some way or another".  That is why we have a
strong IPP Notification goal in our Requirements document that IPP
Notification can make use of third party notification services.

I wonder if there is any problem with registering a URL scheme with IANA
that uses a notification delivery method, such as Instant Messaging", that
is not IETF standards track?

Eventually, there will be an IETF or other standards track Instant Messaging
standard, as well.


-----Original Message-----
From: don at lexmark.com [mailto:don at lexmark.com]
Sent: Monday, August 02, 1999 05:51
To: harryl at us.ibm.com
Cc: ipp at pwg.org
Subject: Re: IPP> Some Instant Messaging resources

As an IETF working group, our official standards are limited to include only
IETF and other offical standard's body sanctioned material.  It seems to me
the more relevant efforts in the area of "Instant Messaging" are being done
outside any IETF standards track work.  I believe we must consider these
in some way or another.  I hope that the appropriate IETF working groups get
involved as suggested by AOL.


AOL Says Uncle (Sort Of)

Maybe one week of really bad press was enough for America Online. On
Thursday, AOL announced that it had invited some industry chiefs -
including Apple Computer's Steve Jobs and RealNetworks' Rob Glaser - to
come up with standards on instant messaging. (Memo to AOL: CEOs usually
don't write tech standards.)

In Friday's Washington Post, Rajiv Chandrasekaran reported that, after a
week of blocking Microsoft and Yahoo from its system, AOL is ready to
work with the world on an open standard for instant messaging. AOL
dominates the niche with its Instant Messenger and ICQ messaging
software. And what's the quickest way to an open standard? Send it off
to a committee.

Noticeably absent from the invitee list in the Post was anyone from
Microsoft, but Chandrasekaran quoted AOL saying they were "welcome to
participate." Microsoft saw right through this ploy. (They may have
recognized it from their own playbook.) Microsoft called the committee
idea a stalling tactic and said the fastest way to a standard might be
to stop blocking its access to AOL's system. In fact, Microsoft asked
why AOL wouldn't join an existing nondenominational task force already
working on an instant-messaging standard. As ZDNet framed the story: "Is
this a fight for open standards or is it to see who really controls
development of the technology?"

AOL Agrees to Work Toward Messaging Standard

Apple's Support Enlisted in Messenger War (AP)
[Registration required.]

America Online, Apple Team Up to Offer Instant Messaging Service
[Registration required.]

Instant Messaging Battle Continues to Simmer


* Don Wright                 don at lexmark.com *
* Director, Strategic & Technical Alliances  *
* Lexmark International                      *
* 740 New Circle Rd                          *
* Lexington, Ky 40550                        *
* 606-232-4808 (phone) 606-232-6740 (fax)    *

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