IPP> NOT - Suggested resolutions to the 27 Issues

Michael Sweet mike at easysw.com
Fri Jul 30 08:36:11 EDT 1999

Hugo Parra wrote:
> ...
> Can you point me to documentation of event notification via HTTP?
> It doesn't require the receiver of event notification to implement
> and HTTP Server, right?
> ...

This is still being hashed out, I think.  There are basically two
possibilities that come to mind:

    1. You subscribe when you create the job, and the HTTP 
       notification is sent back as multiple parts using the
       "Content-Type: multipart/xyz" mechanism.

    2. You create the subscription object separately and therefore
       the HTTP notifications are POST requests sent to the specified

#2 would necessarily require an HTTP server, or if you are sending the
notification to a user app, a skeleton server that just accepts POST
requests, looks for a Content-Length: or Transfer-Encoding: line,
and receives the IPP notification packet after it sees a blank line.
The code to do this is not very difficult...

Michael Sweet, Easy Software Products                  mike at easysw.com
Printing Software for UNIX                       http://www.easysw.com
    "Your logic is impeccable, Captain.  We are in grave danger."

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