IPP> MOD - comments on Carl's Set and Admin operations registration pr

kugler at us.ibm.com kugler at us.ibm.com
Wed Jun 23 12:22:32 EDT 1999

We'd like to make a few more changes to the proposal.

1)  Add the "message" attribute to the request operation attribute group for
these operations:


   "message" (text(127)):
     The client OPTIONALLY supplies this attribute.  The Printer object
     OPTIONALLY supports this attribute. It is a message to the operator.  This
     "message" attribute is not the same as the "job-message-from-operator"
     attribute.  That attribute is used to report a message from the operator to
     the end user that queries that attribute.  This "message" operation
     attribute is used to send a message from the client to the operator along
     with the operation request.  It is an implementation decision of how or
     where to display this message to the operator (if at all).

2) Rename "Backspace-Current-Job" to "Space-Current-Job"  and add these OPTIONAL
 request operation attributes:

"back-space" (integer(1:MAX)) the number of impressions to backspace before
continuing to print.
"forward-space" (integer(1:MAX)) the number of impressions to forward space
before continuing to print.
"non-process-run-out" (boolean) specifies whether the printer should perform an
NPRO (move the last printed sheet to the stacker) before restarting printing.
An NPRO makes it easier to see exactly where the spacing took place.

Remove the previously proposed "job-impressions" operation attribute for this

3)  Add the following OPTIONAL operation attributes to the Shutdown-Printer
"non-process-run-out" (boolean) specifies whether the printer should perform an
NPRO (move the last printed sheet to the stacker) before shutting down.
"synchronize" (boolean) specifies whether to synchronize the checkpoint data for
the current job with the pages that have actually printed.  If this attribute is
supported, a value of true implies that the Printer will be able to resume the
job at the point of synchronization when restarted.

?) Is Reprocess-Job just like Restart-Job except that new "job-id" and "job-uri"
are generated?


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