IPP> FW: [ANNOUNCE] PureTLS: A free Java TLS implementation

Manros, Carl-Uno B cmanros at cp10.es.xerox.com
Tue Jun 22 17:11:30 EDT 1999

This might be of intererest to those of you who want to implement strong
security with IPP.


-----Original Message-----
From: Eric Rescorla [mailto:ekr at rtfm.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 22, 1999 12:53 PM
To: IETF Transport Layer Security WG
Subject: [ANNOUNCE] PureTLS: A free Java TLS implementation


Claymore Systems, Inc. is pleased to announce the availability of
PureTLS 0.9a1. PureTLS is a free pure Java implementation of TLS and
SSLv3. This is the initial release of PureTLS, and we consider the
code quality to be late Alpha. That is to say, it's undergone some
testing, including interoperability testing with OpenSSL, and we think
it's a useful product, but there are certainly still bugs.

We expect to produce a beta-quality release by the end of 
July, but to do that we need people to try it and send
us bug reports.

PureTLS is released under a BSD-style license. Quite simply, we 
feel that basic network security should be a commodity, and this is
our contribution to that end.

Ciphers supported are:

Client authentication is supported both for DSS and RSA.

For details and to download, see:

Please note that this software was developed in the US. It is
export controlled.

Moreover, RSA is patented in the US until mid-2000. As PureTLS gets
its RSA implementation from Cryptix, this isn't an issue for
distribution, but if you wish to use RSA inside the US, please see
RSA DSI for licensing terms.

Please feel free to distribute this message to other appropriate
mailing lists.


[Eric Rescorla                                   ekr at rtfm.com]

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