IPP>MOD: Issue #11: Return what attributes with document-format- not-supported?

Herriot, Robert Robert.Herriot at pahv.xerox.com
Fri Apr 2 22:10:11 EST 1999

I am emailing this issue ("Return what attributes with
document-format-not-supported") to make sure that there is consensus for the
editorial change that we are about to make in the
model document for IPP/1.1. 

The issue is:
11)  ISSUE:  Return what attributes with document-format-not-supported?
Suggested clarification (see also Issues 18 and 23):  AGREED - MUST return
"document-format=xxx" in Unsupported Attribute Group even though a special
error status code.  A printer NEED NOT return job template attributes that
are unsupported in this case, but it is OK if a Print does return them.
Propose to DL, since not many implementations did return the attribute.
There is no uniformity in the way implementation handle an unsupported
document format. This change tries to fix that problem.  We are suggesting
that the unsupported attribute must be returned to conform to the general
rule that a printer returns all unsupported attributes, but we allow a
printer to avoid sending job template attributes in this case because it may
be that the supported attributes depend on the document-format which is not
one that the printer supports.

Bob Herriot

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