IPP> ADM - Last Call for IPP/1.1 documents

Jay Martin jkm at underscore.com
Tue Mar 16 10:43:41 EST 1999

Once again Don has hit the nail squarely on the head on this issue, IMHO.

Perhaps middle ground can be reached by setting a near-term deadline for
resolving the 20 issues found at the recent bake-off?

Does the PWG really want to ship a global-relevant standard before a *strong*
onsensus believes it's ready?  Perhaps this one of those times the PWG needs
an official vote.

Given the consistent history of the PWG, the group will always be characterized
as having two primary interest groups: those who develop standards for a living
and those who are responsible for implementing those standards in real-world
products.  Seemingly similar goals, but actually quite far apart from each other.


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