IPP> FW: IESG approves HTTP/1.1 as Draft Standard

Manros, Carl-Uno B cmanros at cp10.es.xerox.com
Mon Mar 1 14:10:55 EST 1999


If the HTTP/1.1 editors finish quickly, we can probably rev our HTTP/1.1
references to the Draft Standard version for our IPP/1.1 version.


-----Original Message-----
From: Larry Masinter [mailto:masinter at parc.xerox.com] 
Sent: Saturday, February 27, 1999 4:11 PM
To: HTTP Working Group
Subject: IESG approves HTTP/1.1 as Draft Standard

On Thursday, the IESG approved  Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- 
    HTTP/1.1 <draft-ietf-http-v11-spec-rev-06.txt> as a Draft Standard.

There are a small number of editorial errors that have been raised
in the interim that I believe we can correct as part of the RFC editor

I will review these on the list, along with the appropriate deltas
from the -07.txt draft.

There are also a number of other issues that are substantive, that
I don't think we should handle as editorial issues, but rather prepare
as separate documents.

I'll send out mail about those, too.


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