IPP> MOD - Ok to add 'image/tiff' and 'application/pdf' to IPP/1.1 Model document format list?

Larry Masinter masinter at parc.xerox.com
Wed Feb 17 21:40:45 EST 1999

I suggest that IPP/1.1 change, with regard to MIME types, from:
# The value MAY include a charset parameter, depending on the 
# specification of the Media Type in the IANA Registry [IANA-MT]. 


# The value MAY include any number of parameters, depending
# on the specification of the Media Type in the IANA Registry [IANA-MT].

Many media type registrations have both required and optional
parameters. A MIME type which requires a parameter is meaningless
without the parameter, and there are many other parameters other
than 'charset'.

It is also true that most 'text' types allow a 'charset' parameter,
and you can point this out if you want; the current wording, though,
seems to imply that parameters other than 'charset' are not allowed,
which would be wrong.


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