IPP> email change

Randy Turner rturner at 2WIRE.com
Fri Feb 5 18:19:30 EST 1999

Hi everyone,

Long time no speak. Since I last sent email, I have joined a network startup
company in San Jose targeting products for home networking. I left Sharp in
early January (sorry I had to miss Maui). While not specifically involved in
printing, I will still be at IETF plenaries, checking in on IPP and
IETF-FAX/IPP2IFAX as it relates to our product ideas/goals, as well as other
WGs. I will probably not have time to attend regular PWG meetings, but I
hope everyone will stay in touch because I value the relationships alot.

My new email address is: rturner at 2wire.com.

(PS: I also might see you at a future 1394TA meeting....)

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