IPP> SLP 'printer:' template comments

Ira McDonald imcdonal at sdsp.mc.xerox.com
Sat Jan 9 16:45:20 EST 1999

Hi Hugo and Tom,

I read your two notes.  I want to think about some of the
points a bit more, before replying.  I do think that a 
(smaller) set of Mandatory attributes with well-known
empty values (e.g., 'unknown' in all strings and '-1'
in all integers) is an attractive idea.  I also think
we need to avoid adding too many (optional or mandatory)
attributes to the base 'printer:' abstract template,
or we rapidly reduce useful interworking based on
directory entries (in SLP and LDAP directories with
the 'printer:' template/schema).

Hugo, I believe there's something funny is saying
that 'natural-language-configured' (which in a printer
that also supported the Printer MIB MUST agree with
the 'prtGeneralCurrentLocalization in my opinion)
could be 'client-dependent'.  If NDPS has any strings
at all that the SA configures on a server, then the
default language for those strings should be
exported via 'natural-language-configured'.

Separately, in the actual 'printer:' template,
'natural-language-configured' tells the user
what the language of the strings in actual 
attributes of a template instance (ie, a service
registration) is.  This isn't an informational
attribute in the template - it's a normative
attribute for reading the contents of a template

- Ira McDonald
  High North Inc
  (oops, 716-461-5667 that is)

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