IPP> MOD> - Implementer's Guide 2.2.3 Algorithm for job validation

kugler at us.ibm.com kugler at us.ibm.com
Thu Jan 7 17:58:55 EST 1999

draft-ietf-ipp-implementers-guide-01 says:

printer-resolution (resolution)
   IF NOT any single 'resolution' value with a length equal to 9 octets,
   REJECT/RETURN 'client-error-bad-request'.
   IF NOT in the Printer object's "multiple-document-handling-supported"
     attribute, copy the attribute and the unsupported value to the
     Unsupported Attributes response group.

Shouldn't that last check be:

   IF NOT in the Printer object's "printer-resolution-supported" attribute,
     copy the attribute and the unsupported value to the Unsupported
     Attributes response group.



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