IPP> Re: New internet draft: 'draft-ietf-roamops-phonebook-xml-02.txt'

harryl at us.ibm.com harryl at us.ibm.com
Fri Oct 29 17:39:21 EDT 1999

Thanks for the explanation...

>The service provider data is _contact_ info.  The FAX number is there in
>case the roaming user needs to _send_ the ISP a FAX (perhaps a screen
>print) to help out customer support in solving a problem.  It's not there
>so the user can send faxes from (or receive faxes at) that number.

My recommendation to add IPPURL to the contact info fits this scenario.
Basically I am suggesting that future definitions of "contact info" for
internet protocols and standards should include the "print-to" URL.  Why

Harry Lewis
IBM Printing Systems
harryl at us.ibm.com

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