IPP> ADM - How to follow the fate of the IPP drafts

Jeffrey D. Schnitzer jds at underscore.com
Mon Feb 9 11:03:42 EST 1998

[The following message from Jim Walker was filtered by Majordomo as a
 misdirected admin request due to the word "ubscribe-say" being used
 within the first five lines of the message body -- /Jeff Schnitzer]

> With the message now sent to the IESG to process the IPP drafts for
> publishing as RFCs, they are now out of our control. If you want to find
> out how the next step in the processing chain develops, you should
> subscribe to the IETF annoncement list. See description below on how to
> subscribe.

I am curious as to how the discussion will work.  Is it simply the
case that comments will be posted on iesg at ietf.org or ietf at ietf.org,
and there will be no discussion of those comments?  Or will there
be some lively interchanges that we will all be interested in
following, and diving into?  Will all comments (and discussion) be
forwarded automatically to the IPP DL?  Or are comments usually
cc'ed to the appropriate DL out of courtesy?  Or do we all need to
run over and subscribe to the IESG and IETF DL's?

inquiring mind...

Jim Walker <walker at dazel.com>
System Architect/DAZEL Wizard
DAZEL Corporation, Austin, TX

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