IPP> Re: SLP Printer Service Template

Erik Guttman Erik.Guttman at Sun.COM
Mon Nov 9 05:22:02 EST 1998

I agree with Jim's comments.  I want to add that although
the service: URL is used as a handle to a SLP service 
registration, it is really a URL encoding of a service
access point.  The URL is intended to convey the location
of a service.  If there are distinct access protocols for 
printing offered by a single device, the device should
register multiple URLs in my opinion.  Each of these
registrations will have different attributes (though some
may be in common, like location, administrator, etc.)

I don't think there is a problem vis-a-vis multiple
entries in a directory.  The truth is, these services
are distinct.  A client which can use one protocol wants
to find a server to use.  It doesn't care that the server
supports a bunch of other access protocols.

There is merit in the approach of registering a server once
if it represents a constellation of features, instead of
many URIs.  In this case, the client would request the
service by listing its requirements in a service request:


This will return only services which support daa and http
access protocols, say:


This doesn't give you the actual printer uri though!  
Unfortunately, you then have to do an attribute request for

   service URL:  service:printer://someserver
   attribute:    printer-url-supported

This would return the entire http URL, for instance:


As Jim indicated, this would require two requests instead of one.


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