IPP> MOD - NLO 1 of 4: Overview of Natural Language Override (NLO) Sim plification

Hastings, Tom N hastings at cp10.es.xerox.com
Tue Oct 20 02:16:01 EDT 1998

We've had some e-mail and telecon discussions to clarify and simplify the
natural language override (NLO) mechanism, without changing any of the
functionality.  At last week's telecon, we decided to put the question to a
vote on the mailing list for two week period.  Bob Herriot and Carl Kugler
have reviewed these four mail messages.  The next 3 mail messages will

  NLO 2 of 4:  a clarification to allow the NLO to be used redundantly
  NLO 3 of 4:  a vote to eliminate the job level override for Get-Jobs
  NLO 4 of 4:  a vote to eliminate the attribute override by always using
the data type which specifies the natural language explicitly.

A vote to accept will mean a change for those implementations that conformed
to the June 1998 specifications.  A vote to reject should mean that an
implementation either already conforms to the June specification or will be
changed to conform.

Tom Hastings
(310) 333-6413

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