IPP> IPP 2 IFAX Integration Time and Date Stamp

Dan Wing dwing at Cisco.COM
Tue Oct 6 19:13:59 EDT 1998

>I'm probably extremely naive when it comes to law... so I don't know if there
>are "laws" or not...
>>I'm not aware of any law establishing the legality of fax documents --
>>I believe it is only case law, no?  If so, a legal challenge would
>>be needed to establish a similar precedent.
>but there are regulations such as the State of California "Rules of Court" (see
>rule 2003 item 6) adopted March 1992.
>http://www.courtinfo.ca.gov/rules/1998/titlefive/titlefive.pdf which refers to
>a "transmission record" printed by the SENDING device and containing fax number
>of receiving machine, number of pages sent and transmission time and date.
>January 11, 1993
>FCC rules require that each transmission to a telephone facsimile machine must
>clearly contain, in a margin at the top or bottom of each transmitted
>page or on the first page of the transmission, (1) the date and time the
>transmission is sent (2) the identity of the sender and (3) the telephone
>number of the sender or of the sending machine. All telephone facsimile
>machines manufactured on or after December 20, 1992 must have the capacity
>to clearly mark such identifying information on the first page or on each page
>of the transmission.
>While not meant to represent an exhaustive study, these two (laws, regulations,
>rules...? whatever)... clearly place requirement for "timestamping" on the
>'generator", not the receiver. Note, there are margin requirements placed on
>the end device, however.
>I agree with trying to follow today's fax paradigm wherever appropriate.

Yes, I'm aware there are laws in the US and other countries requiring
identifying the terminal, time, and pages.  

But this information can be admissable as "proof" of transmission (or
the receipt confirmation is "proof" that a NNN page document was sent
at a certain time) isn't in law, per se.  I thought that's what the
original question was about ("Would the legal requirements of a
real-time clock for current fax machines automatically apply to an
IPP/IFAX device?") 

Of course, outside the US there aren't such regulations, or, if they
exist, they are different.  The FCC regulation is meant to provide 
identification of the sender to track the source of fax spam -- this 
(unlike email spam) was a problem for our congress-critters so they 
decided it was important enough to outlaw the spam and require 
manufacturers provide identification strings.  At least, that's my
understanding with my year of fax background.

-Dan Wing

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