IPP>PRO new protocol document - .pdf files downloaded too

Tom Hastings hastings at cp10.es.xerox.com
Fri Nov 7 21:49:31 EST 1997

I've added the .pdf files as well:

ipp-pro-971107-rev-red.doc           PDF with red revision marks
ipp-pro-971107-rev-black.doc         PDF with black revision marks
ipp-pro-971107.doc                   PDF witn no revision marks


>Date: Fri, 7 Nov 1997 17:09:44 PST
>From: Robert.Herriot at Eng.Sun.COM (Robert Herriot)
>To: ipp at pwg.org
>Subject: IPP>PRO new protocol document
>X-Sun-Charset: US-ASCII
>Sender: ipp-owner at pwg.org
>I have just downloaded a new protocol document to:
>The documents are:
>  ipp-pro-971107-rev.doc      MS Word 6.0 with revisions
>  ipp-pro-971107.doc          MS Word 6.0 with no revisions
>  ipp-pro-971107.txt          text version with no revisions
>The text version has been sent to the IETF as -03- version.
>Bob Herriot

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