IPP> application/ipp vs. application/print-job

Scott Lawrence lawrence at agranat.com
Thu May 22 14:21:13 EDT 1997

At 05:21 PM 5/21/97 PDT, Larry Masinter wrote:

LM> I would assume that "print-job" was a good name for
LM> what it is that you're sending in submitting a job.

>>>>> "CM" == Carl-Uno Manros <cmanros at cp10.es.xerox.com> writes:

CM> One of the parameters for application/ipp is intended to be the actual
CM> operation that you want the IPP server to execute. [...] So I
CM> think we are looking for for something more generic than
CM> "application/print-job".

CM> I see the "application/ipp" as a top level label for a number of related
CM> operation requests and responses [...]

  I agree with Larrys original comment that 'application/ipp' is both
  redundant and not very descriptive.  From your response, I would
  agree that 'application/print-operation' would be much better.

Scott Lawrence           EmWeb Embedded Server       <lawrence at agranat.com>
Agranat Systems, Inc.        Engineering            http://www.agranat.com/

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