IPP>PRO - http comments

Robert Herriot Robert.Herriot at Eng.Sun.COM
Wed Apr 30 15:34:16 EDT 1997

> From lawrence at agranat.com Wed Apr 30 11:51:49 1997
>   My original reply seems to have started an interesting thread on the
>   subject on the http-wg list; I'll let you know how it comes out, but
>   the opinion that the HTTP Content-Length header may be used for each
>   part of a multipart/* seems to be well supported.

It would be good to get a definitive answer as to whether
Content-Length takes priority over the boundary string in a
multipart/*.  At a recent IETF meeting I asked such a question to some
knowledgeable person who said that Content-Length was ignored in this
context and that the boundary string was the only way to determine the
end of a part in a multipart/*. I would prefer that Content-Length take
priority if it is present.

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