IPP> REQ - Comments/issues on Feb 17 (01a) Requirements docu

JK Martin jkm at underscore.com
Tue Mar 11 21:28:04 EST 1997

Wow.  And these items represent YOUR list of issues to date...for just
the Requirements document?

Given the recent Star Wars craze, the old Hans Solo phrase of:

	"I'm getting a real bad feeling about this..."

comes to mind.

I think part of the reason the IPP effort is getting so deep is
due to the fact that we seem to be trying to create a "one size
fits all" solution that encompasses both printing AND spooling.
(We've run into this very same quagmire in the Job Monitoring MIB,
by the way.)

Could it be that the path to reasonable timeliness is to only
bite off the printing aspect without dealing with spooling?

Or do most folks think that we MUST deal with spooling when
trying to support printing, that the two must remain inseparable?


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