IPP> Proposed Agenda for next week's IPP meeting

Carl-Uno Manros cmanros at cp10.es.xerox.com
Fri Jan 3 20:05:05 EST 1997

Agenda for IPP Meeting on January 9, 1997

The following topics need to be covered:

- Short report from the San Jose meeting for those who were not there.

- Revisit the subject of the IETF Charter. 
    Please check the comments on the DL recently

- Check up on status of the subgroup progress.
    Seems that not much has happened over the holidays, we need to get

- Look at Scott's new split of the previous Working Document.
    Look under Contributions-for-discussion in the archive

- Go through our issues list and try to see which ones we believe are
squared away and which needs futher work.
    Scott will provide an updated list at the meeting

- Check up on our IPP Web page development.

- Check up on prototyping activities.

- Make a more detailed plan for the next few months, and agree on home work
assignments for the subgroups.

I expect to use part of the meeting time for individual subgroup
discussions, with report back to the whole group before the day is over. I
expect that one ad hoc subgroup will be tasked with coming up with a
revised IETF charter text.

Hope to see most of you next week.



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