mabry at rd.qms.com mabry at rd.qms.com
Thu Jan 2 19:14:24 EST 1997

     I missed the last conference call due to the snow we had here in 
     Mobile (no kidding).
     Anyway, I read over the minutes from the meeting and saw that several 
     sub-groups have been formed.  Is there any brief one-liners describing 
     the goal of these sub-groups?  I can guess, based on the names, just 
     wanted to make sure.
     I want to help out, understanding more about what each group plans on 
     accomplishing will help determine what group is best to help out with.
 Mabry Dozier           ################################## ######### 
 mabry at rd.aqm.com       #         ##   #####   ##        # ########: 
 (334) 633-4300 x-1533  #  #####  ##    ###    ##  ####### #      .:
                        #  ##  #  ##  #  #  #  ##        # ##    .:: 
                        #  ###    ##  ##   ##  ########  # ##   .:::
 QMS Incorporated       #      _  ##  #######  ##        # ## .::::: 
 One Magnum Pass        ################################## #.::::::: R 
 Mobile, AL 36618           ..Where Imagination Leads

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