IPP> Re: New Internet-Draft Request [ job-state-reasons being empty]

Tom Hastings hastings at cp10.es.xerox.com
Sun Nov 24 11:27:08 EST 1996

At 23:54 11/22/96 PST, Robert Herriot wrote:
>More comments on Ipp93rev.doc
>line 1347: the syntax for job state reasons should be (#type2Enum) because
there can be 0 reasons.

While I agree that job-state-reasons has a natural interpretation
when there are no values, namely that there are no reasons associated
with the current job state (and the semantics say that no reasons is
valid), Carl-Uno and I think that it is simpler and more consisten to
always require a value for job, printer (and Job template) attributes.
So we prefer to add a "none" value to job-state-reasons and keep the
syntax as (1#type2Enub).  Then every attribute that is a list, must
have at lease one member.  Ok?

Tom (and Carl-Uno)

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