[Cloud] [IPP] Updated stable draft of IPP Shared Infrastructure Extensions (INFRA) posted

Michael Sweet msweet at apple.com
Wed Nov 19 21:51:43 UTC 2014


> On Nov 19, 2014, at 4:05 PM, William A Wagner <wamwagner at comcast.net> wrote:
> OK. I thought I understood the Resource addition, but things are getting
> foggy. Please correct or answer as appropriate
> 1. The Infrastructure printer (Cloud System) can provide a directory for the
> Proxy to store the static resources in each registered output device (Local
> Imaging System).
> 2. The infrastructure printer provides the URI, total capacity and free
> capacity for this storage capability on output device registration. 
> 3. The proxy can store static resources, create new ones etc in this
> directory on behalf of the output device (local Imaging System.
> a. What is the purpose? 
> 	Is it just to provide more storage for the Proxy/Local system to
> manage resources?


> 	Is it for the Infrastructure printer (Cloud Imaging System) to have
> access to these resources?


> 	Is it for other Imaging systems to have access to the resources?

Perhaps, but the key is to be able to share/mirror the resources to the Infrastructure Printer, so that both the Infrastructure Printer and Clients have access to them.

> b. Is this directory written to just by the proxy? If so, 
> 	Why should the Infrastructure printer provide Kbytes free value?
> Does it even know?

The Infrastructure Printer is providing the storage, so it knows how much storage space is still available.

> 	Shouldn't the proxy indicate how much (if any) resource storage is
> desired when registering the output device (local system)

That might be a useful addition to the RegisterSystem operation (StaticResourceKOctetsRequested?) but probably isn't something we can add to IPP INFRA since we don't have a RegisterSystem equivalent.

> 	If this is just more storage, why do we restrict what category of
> resources are stored?

Because we don't need to upload firmware/executables from the Proxy to the Infrastructure Printer, and the template category is still undefined.

> c. Is the contents of the directory used by anything other than the Proxy
> (on behalf of the output device)? If so,
> 	Shouldn't there be an index of what is in the directory?

For IPP INFRA, you look at the printer-icc-profiles, printer-icons, and printer-strings-uri attributes.  (and conceptually the WebDAV PROPFIND method to list the full contents of the directory...)

> 	What controls what has access to the contents and for what purpose?

As specified in the current spec, PUT and DELETE requests need to be authenticated as the proxy user (same auth requirements as the Proxy operations). As for the contents and purpose, there is no explicit set of restrictions beyond the filename and storage limits.

Michael Sweet, Senior Printing System Engineer, PWG Chair

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