[Cloud] Cloud/mobile printing testing spreadsheet

larryupthegrove larryupthegrove at comcast.net
Mon Dec 19 15:31:43 UTC 2011





I attached a spreadsheet (both xlsx and xls) with a summary of my test
findings for your review as the PWG moves forward.  I have been testing
different solutions that I have had the hardware or infrastructure available
to look at possible print methods I can use in working with clients.


The summary I can offer at this time when I think about PWG standards is:


1.       Creating a mobile solution and deploying it does not require
significant effort, especially on the Android platform.

2.       The solutions offered via Android Market  are supporting the use of
email attachments to get data to the service provider

3.       Several solutions are embedding Google CloudPrint as part of their

4.       Several solutions offering printing at the enterprise location
require that a server or other host be provided as part of the delivery

5.       The providers that have a solution that most matches the slides in
the BOF meetings are the "Pay to print" providers such as Mimeo.


I hope this adds some value to our discussions.  Feel free to contact me via
the pwg mailing list, or privately at larryupthegrove at comcast.net


Larry Upthegrove


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