[3D Printing] Update on white paper/outreach...

Michael Sweet msweet at apple.com
Mon Sep 29 15:26:20 UTC 2014


After reviewing the posted outline and extensive discussion, we have decided to focus on doing a smaller blog-sized article that can be widely distributed and provides:

1. A short introduction
   a. Who is the PWG?
   b. What are the Internet Printing Protocol and Semantic Model?
2. How can IPP and the SM be adapted for 3D printers?
3. Why should 3D printing use a standard protocol?
   a. Security (setting printers on fire, etc.)
   b. Remote monitoring (progress, errors, etc.)
   c. Re-use common software/infrastructure
      - Faster time-to-market
      - Simplified implementations
      - Better interoperability
      - Enables cloud-based and direct-network solutions
      - Enables common/generic software for operating systems
      - Enables modeling/custom solutions for multiple products
4. How to get involved/resources/links

We will then follow-up with additional articles that focus on specific areas (System+Subunits+Capabilities, Job/Document model, etc.)


Michael Sweet, Senior Printing System Engineer, PWG Chair

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