[3D Printing] [RESEND] Initial outline of 3D printing white paper

Michael Sweet msweet at apple.com
Fri Sep 5 14:35:56 UTC 2014

[Re-sending since it does not appear that this made it out to the list...]


Here is my initial outline for the 3D printing white paper.  I've included rough page counts for each section, which with the usual boilerplate puts us around 11-12 pages total - a useful length without scaring people away.  And I think this could easily be made into a smallish slide deck (probably <15 slides total) for use in presentations.

Comments are appreciated, as are places to send this white paper once we have it written...


Title: 3D Printing with the PWG Semantic Model and Internet Printing Protocol

Abstract: This white paper provides an overview of the PWG Semantic Model and Internet Printing Protocol and how they can be extended for and used with existing 3D printers over network and USB connections.


1. Introduction (1 page)
a. Who the PWG is, a little history
b. Everything we do is open
c. Goal of this document (from abstract)

2. Terminology (<1 page)
a. Protocol Role terminology
b. Printing/Imaging terminology

3. PWG Semantic Model (2-3 pages)
a. Abstract model for printers
b. System (big picture)
c. Subunits (include both 2D and 3D printer subunits)
   i. Capabilities
   ii. Status
d. Services (focus on print and scan)
   i. Capabilities
   ii. Status
e. Jobs
   i. Job ticket
   ii. Status
f. Documents (talk about high-level and low-level formats in the 2D and 3D worlds)
   i. Document ticket
   ii. Status
   iii. Formats
   iv. Attached data vs. references vs. hardcopy images

4. Internet Printing Protocol (1-2 pages)
a. Protocol binding for PWG Semantic Model
b. HTTP-based, binary message format (application/ipp) instead of XML/JSON
c. Network and USB (IPP USB)
   i. Bonjour for network discovery
d. Lots of existing code (CUPS, Python IPP stuff, etc.)

5. Next steps (1 page)
a. Get interested parties together to extend the Semantic Model and IPP
b. Standardize capabilities and status for 3D printers and scanners
c. Work with vendors to implement this stuff and do interop testing
d. Work with other standards bodies to open up key file formats (AMF, others?)

6. How to get involved (<1 page)
a. 3d-printing at pwg.org pointers
b. pwg.org web site

7. References (1 page)

8. Authors (< 1 page)

Michael Sweet, Senior Printing System Engineer, PWG Chair

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